Category: Uncategorized
9 Benefits of Using Natural Cleaning Products
When it comes to cleaning products for your home, how safe are you really? Did you know that most over-the-counter household cleaners contain a number of chemicals that can harm your health, not to mention the health of your family? That is precisely why it is so necessary to shop for premium choices in eco-friendly […]
Simple Science: How in the World do Enzymes Clean?
When you hear the word bacteria it can easily conger up images of sickness or danger. But strains of bacteria exist that are beneficial to human health and are helpful for cleaning. “Bio-enzymatic” cleaners—those that are bacteria and enzyme-based—can be safe and effective soil and odor removers, especially for organic types of soil. But how in the […]
Your Dishwashing Soap Contains Cancer Causing Chemicals – Here’s HOW TO Avoid Them
This article is shared with permission from our friends at When detoxing their home and life, the first thing many people think about adjusting is the food they eat. That’s an excellent start but it’s only part of the equation. It’s also necessary to re-evaluate everyday, household items such as hygiene and personal care […]
Top 5 Benefits of Organic Pet Supplies
We all love our pets and want them healthier and long life. The pet supplies industry is large, most of the companies are just in it for the money and they aren’t worried about our pet’s health. Here I have mentioned a few reasons you should reconsider the food, toys, soap, Shampoo and any other […]
7 Benefits of Green Cleaning
As lives become busier, over-scheduled and more stressful, it’s easy to gravitate towards the latest products that promise to make annoying chores even easier. Need a bathroom cleaner? On your next trip to the store, you grab one of the many bright and colorful bottles promising to be a quick fix. But did you ever […]
Best Product for your Car Leather Seats
You’d be forgiven for looking for interior jobs whilst the weather is a bit cold and wet. Cleaning leather is always one of those tasks that, with the right product, requires minimal effort but gives really satisfying results. We tried LEATHER AND INTERIOR CLEANER from AL’S Formula, not only did the seats need a clean, […]
Product Review: Bio-glow Organic Household Cleaners
I received 5 bottles: Odor Eliminator, Kitchen Cleaner, Bathroom Cleaner, Floor Cleaner and All Purpose Cleaner. The bottles we used the most were the All Purpose Cleaner and Odor Eliminator since there were lots of spills and lots of weird, funky smells because of the baby and the doggie. The Kitchen and Bathroom cleaner were […]
Healthy pet products for every pet owner’s should try
The healthy pet product market went from 0 to 100 real quick. With so many options out there today, it’s difficult to pin down exactly which healthy pet products you should spend your hard-earned money on. Today, I’ve narrowed down my healthiest…