Best Product for your Car Leather Seats

You’d be forgiven for looking for interior jobs whilst the weather is a bit cold and wet. Cleaning leather is always one of those tasks that, with the right product, requires minimal effort but gives really satisfying results. We tried LEATHER AND INTERIOR CLEANER from AL’S Formula, not only did the seats need a clean, but the leather needed something to help nourish it and keep it supple.

This Leather Cleaner from AL’S Formula is pH neutral, non-toxic and all natural. AL’S Formula claim this leather cleaner is for modern leathers, and to really put it to the test we thought we’d give it a go on 36-year-old leather seats.

LEATHER AND INTERIOR CLEANER comes in a spray bottle but you’ll also need a leather brush and microfiber cloth.

Start by wiping over the area to remove any dust or debris. Spray over the area and using a leather brush gently agitate. This helps remove any grime and allows the product to get into the pores.




